
Discrimination or cancelling based solely on a company’s or individuals political affiliation.

Princeton Debate Society Votes to Strip Ted Cruz of a Prestigious Honor

Princeton University’s American Whig-Cliosphic Society passed a motion to rescind the James Madison Award for Distinguish Public Service awarded to Cruz in 2016, the newspaper reported. Members of the society proposed the motion because they were displeased at Cruz’s support of voter fraud claims in the 2020 election and the …

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The Gab Saga Continues

In a statement posted on Gab, CEO Andrew Torba said “Operation Chokepoint is back under Biden. 4 banks and 1 credit card shut down Gab in the past month alone. We have spoken to other alt tech platforms who are experiencing the same, but have not gone public with it …

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Gab Banned from 4th Bank In 4 Weeks

Social Media site Gab has been banned from doing business with yet another bank because of their conservative, free speech views. The liberal left is unable to shut them down like they did with Parler because Gab owns their own servers. So they are taking other steps to make it …

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California Lawmaker Takes Aim at ‘Cancel Culture’ With New Bills

State Sen. Melissa Melendez (R-Lake Elsinore) said her constituents have told her they experience “cancel culture” shaming for their political affiliations. They worry they’ll be discriminated against in various ways for their affiliations. Read more about this at The Epoch Times

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Dangerous New Antifa Aligned Doxxing Group Aims to ‘DEPLATFORM HATE’

Deplatform Hate is the latest antifa-allied initiative designed to strip conservatives of their online presence. Deplatform Hate consists of a hand-selected gang of socialists funded by an unnamed “progressive not-for-profit”. Deplatform Hate pledges to dox Trump supporters who they conflate with nazis. Please read the informative article at Rair Foundation

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Amazon Censors Subtitle of Patrick Byrne’s New Book, The Deep Rig

Amazon has changed the subtitle of Patrick Byrne’s latest book to omit any reference to election fraud. The original subtitle included a reference to the 2020 election. The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him (or, …

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Manhattan DA Gets Trump’s Tax Return As Probe Continues

Donald Trump is in a precarious position and could even be facing time in prison if Democrats have their way. The Manhattan New York District Attorney Cy Vance has obtained millions of pages of Trump’s tax returns as he continues his witch hunt. Visit the Conservative Brief to read more.

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